"Best Of Five Questions For MRCP UK And Ireland Examinations"
Dr. Osama Amin MBChB, MRCPUK part I,MRCPI part I ,MRCPI part II written Senior House Officer and 4th year student of the…..Board of Neurology. ....... Teaching Hospital /Department of Neurology
Dedication to The Republic Of Iraq and Iraqi Doctors all over the world.
Q1 In Immunoglobulins …….all are true except: 1-IgA is mainly found in body fluids 2-IgM is a high molecular weight immunoglobulin that is the largest of all immunoglobulins 3-IgG is the only one that passes the placental barrier 4-IgE is involved in Type IV hypersensitivity reactions 5-IgD is found on the surface of B cells and may be involved in the maturation of them
Answer 4 1-true……hence IgA deficiency may cause chronic or repeated sinu-plumonary and GIT infections 2-agglutinating one 3-hence the passive neonatal immunity and false positive neonatal screening for many infections (actually from the mother!!) 4-type I ……….a famous thing 5-yes….actually its function is still not that 100% …..Has a very low serum level.
Q2 Immunoglobulins, all are true except: 1-IgA may cause hyperviscosity in multiple myeloma 2-IgE is very high in allergic bronchopulmonary asplergillosis 3-IgG is the usual immunoglobulin detected as a rheumatoid factor by the slide agglutination test 4-selective IgA deficiency prevalence is 1/700 of the populations in general 5-anti-nuclear factor is usually an IgG
Answer 3 1-also certain IgG subclasses in MM……………in Waldenstrom's it is the IgM 2-true………very higher than asthma .useful clue when suspecting ABPA complicating asthma 3-IgM not IgG 4-true.it is not that rare ….. 5-true...Many don’t know that
Q3 The complement system, all are true except: 1-the classical pathway can be activated by IgG immune complexes 2-properdin deficiency is usually X linked 3-deficiency of late complements components is associated with disseminated Niesseria infection 4-SLE may be induced by congenital deficiency of the early complements components 5-C1 esteresa inhibitor deficiency is autosomal dominant and the defect is qualitative in 90% of cases
Answer 5 1-or IgM. IgA activates the alternative pathway 2-and hence family tree is important in the male relatives 3-true……..including recurrent meningitis 4-true….? may be due to inability to remove immune complexes 5-fasle 10% only is of qualitative defect. The majorities are of a quantitative defect
Q4 Hypogammaglubuinemia is associated with all of the followings except: 1-thymoma 2-phenytoin treatment 3-myotonia dytrophica 4-protein losing enteropathy 5-chronic active hepatitis
Answer: 5 1-considered to be a primary not a secondary phenomenon 2-also, gold and penicillamine 3-and nephritic syndrome 4-also CLL and MM 5-false …associated with hypergammmaglobulinemia mainly of IgG type
Q5 In common variable immune deficiency (CVID), all are true except: 1- 30% have an associated lymphopenia and lymphadenopathy 2- IgA is virtually absent ,but IgG is usually severely decreased but still detectable 3- Although defective cell mediated immunity is documented but opportunistic infections due to this defect is rare in clinical practice 4- In theory the presentation may be at any age ,but usually in the 3rd decade 5- First degree relatives are at increased risk of IgG subclass deficiency
Answer: 5 1-true…..and the spleen also may be enlarged in 30% of cases 2-and IgM may be normal or low or even raised 3-true …..The T cells are usually functionally immature 4-and there is no specific HLA association 5-fasle …increased risk of selective IgA deficiency
Q6 Long term complication of hypogammaglobulinemia , all are true except : 1-induction of varieties of autoimmune diseases 2-high risk of lymphoreticular malignancies 3-bronchiectasis 4-malabsorption 5-chronic active hepatitis Answer 5 Chronic active hepatitis is associated with hypergammaglobinemia is not a complication of HYPOgammaglobinemia
Q7 X linked Agammaglobinemia , all are true except ; 1-T cell number and function and normal 2-there are no mature B cells in the peripheral blood 3-IgG is usually still detectable but extremely low 4-the presentation is usually after 3-6 months after birth 5-it is a very common disease
Answer: 5 1-hence no defective cell medicated immunity 2-true …..due to defective maturation in the bone marrow 3-true, usually below 50 mg / dl 4-usually with repeated chest infection 5-fasle…fortunately rare
Q8 Selective IgA deficiency. all are true except : 1-its incidence is 1/700 of the general population and usually sporadic 2-in theory, checking serum IgA level should be done in all patients prior to truncal vagotomy 3-all suspected patients should be tested for IgA auto-antibodies 4-it is seen in 50 % of celiac disease patients 5-can be found in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.
Answer: 4 1-true……check their relatives for CVID!! 2-because of the resulting gut hypomotility may be an additional risk factor for bacterial overgrowth. 3-true……as blood or blood product transfusion may cause severe anaphylactic reactions 4-fasle….around 3-4% …..And may cause false negative IgA anti-endomycium antibodies testing …….hence we check both IgA and IgG there to overcome this problem. 5-true….due to the disease per se or its treatment with gold and penicillamine
Q9 In HIV infection, all are true except: 1-there are M-tropic and T tropic strains 2-there is polyclonal B cell activation 3-NK cell no. and function are usually impaired 4-there is no single mechanism to explain the progressive CD4 positive cells attrition over time 5-the macrophages are CD4 negative cells and hence protected from infection
Answer: 5 1-Depending on certain chemokine receptors and associated ligands 2-hence the hypergammaglobinemia 3-true…usually under estimated 4-true……..many complicated mechanisms 5-false ……….it is CD4 positive and infected early in the course …..Hence the name M (macrophage) strains of the virus
Q10 The major histocompatibility complex (MHC) and human leukocyte antigen (HLA) ….. All are true except: 1-MHC calls II antigen is restricted in distribution to certain cell types 2-the inheritance is autosomal co-dominant 3-the loci encoding the complement components are located near by at chromosome 6 4-certain HLA haplotypes are associated with varieties of autoimmune diseases 5-HLA DR2 confers a high risk of developing type I diabetes mellitus
Answer 5 1-unlike the widely distributed class I 2-true…like the blood ABO antigen 3-true…short arm 4-if you don’t know this ….this is a disaster!!! 5-fasle…..supposed to be protective against type I diabetes, unlike HLA DR3/4